/The Social Life…Is it helping you or hurting you?

The Social Life…Is it helping you or hurting you?

One thing is for sure, there will always be something going on in the social arena. Perhaps such acknowledgement is the first step to having any productive order in your own schedule of socializing. But who needs a schedule? Why not just attend everything all the time and be the social butterfly everybody admires? If only the must to socialize didn’t come with so many attachments, so many distractions.

Do you ever look at successful people and wonder how much socializing they do, or more accurately, don’t do? Don’t you ever wonder how people achieve high places and high positions in different professional arenas? Have you come to realize that the expectation for you is to achieve just the same? Although it is likely not a conscious intention on their part, successful people will be found working and studying while the social butterfly is on the social scene. While you’re out, trying to find your comfort zone amongst the who’s who, somebody’s taking a class. While you wouldn’t dare miss the next big event, somebody’s using the same weekend to study and research. 

While it is perfectly normal and deemed appropriate human behavior to socialize, the need to pay attention to your level and amount in doing so is what can make a difference in your life. The pattern you’ve created year after year will speak volumes about your progress in being successful or in making strides. Unless you take the time to think about it, you may never realize that your mindset is positioned in a way that leads you to believe you must attend every social function and that it’s perfectly normal to do so, even when it’s for no other reason than to simply socialize. But again, remember, while you’re having fun time and time again, others are consumed with more important matters.

What does it feel like on a day you witness a major milestone or accomplishment in someone else’s life? These are the very moments that envy and jealously tend to creep in because the first thoughts in these moments will likely include, ‘wow, I’m getting left behind’, or ‘why do they get all the attention?’, or even ‘who does he/she think he/she is?’. When instead, the more valid thoughts should be, ‘oh wow, I think I’ve been wasting time’, or ‘I better get with the program’, and more importantly, ‘what is my problem?’.

The truth of the matter is there is a more genuine flow of happiness for one another when we too are happy. Know that people will make the best out of the life they live, whether you do or not and whether you can be happy for them or not. Know that simple socializing, especially on a consistent and ongoing basis is a choice and is often times an excuse not to do something more productive. It is not only the culprit of a lack of growth in life but also a deterrent to financial stability. We must refrain from sabotaging our own beliefs that we are obligated to the simple forms of socializing in order to have a healthy life. Some do know how to balance time, appear at every meet & greet, and still handle more important matters. But if you find yourself on the social scene often but with no evidence of other true successes, you are not one of those people.

The most damaging effect of too much of the social scene is that it can lead one to believe they are succeeding in life because they ‘appear’ to be. Who in the world taught us that ‘looking the part’ is more important than actually living true success? Many are doomed by such deception and it’s a deception that only reflects selfishness. When you spend year after year only ‘looking the part’, you not only get behind in your own successes but you also pass such ignorance to those behind you who never get to see what it means to truly be successful.

The social life. How important is it to you? Would you ever be willing to skip the major events, the popular trips, and even a once in a lifetime opportunity if it meant making progress in a more important area of your life? These are the decisions we make everyday and it’s the consistency in such decisions that either help or hinder our chances of success. None of us should look around and see too many succeeding way beyond our own efforts because no matter where or whom we’re from, we’re all expected to reach our greatest potentials.

How crippled have you become by the belief that it’s okay to indulge in frequent socializing all because the opportunity is there? How willing are you to make the more sound decisions inspite of what everyone else is doing? Successful people are unique and it is in making those unique decisions that allow their desires of success to become reality.

Are you willing to miss out so that you don’t miss out? How important is a social life to you? Think about it and please share your thoughts below.



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