Opportunities, Taking Advantage of the Right Ones

The hope for new opportunities is something we can all relate too.  Some prepare for a lifetime to get that one opportunity longed for year after year, whatever it might be. Some jump at every opportunity that comes…

The Spirit of Laziness

It's true, we all get lazy from time to time, and it is actually sometimes well deserved. But the topic 'laziness' can unfold in different ways in our lives and can sometimes be misconstrued as…

Is Your Story Working for You?

Usually, it's interesting to listen to a story about how one came to be where they are today. Yes, we all have a story and we should. Most stories have good moments, bad moments, mishaps and…

Living with Regrets

If anybody would take at least ten minutes to reflect, to look back at all the choices they've made, there will likely be at least three things in life they would've done differently. Looking back…

Jealousy & Envy

Two of the worst shortcomings an individual can embrace are the ones called jealousy and envy. Too many times, they destroy relationships, friendships, business deals, and most importantly, character. We hear about the damage all…

Trust Your Gift, Nurture It, & Watch Your…

Even in the hustle and bustle of life and with all that goes on around us, it can never be stressed enough, that our greatest requirement is to discover our gift and use it. There's nothing…

Getting Stuck In The Meantime of Life

There's meantime and then there's purpose. The majority of activities that take place in our lives are likely to unfold in the 'meantime' moments of life. When you set goals, you'll find there are days…

‘The biggest devil is me’….Whitney Houston

If we're honest enough, these are five words we can all attest too. But just because we say it, recognize it and even acknowledge it, doesn't mean we've taken control. The death of any individual is never…

When and When Not to Be ‘THE AGGRESSIVE…

Aggressiveness, today, seems to be the key to having it all as a woman, but is it really the answer to all? Just like anything else, aggressiveness has it's perspective and yes, it can create a…


Not only is it important that we  know who we are but it is as equally important that we know who's approval we need. Knowing whose we are is a must if we want clarification on who's…

Living Your Truth

The truth of the matter is that no matter what journey one will take in life to reach their ultimate goals, you will find at the core of every desired goal, the need for a…